Digital Electronics Computers & Video Security

A forum for recording my findings and discussion of matters related to electronics, computers, security and other technical subjects.

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Location: Queensland, Australia

Automation and Integration Architect

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Welcome to my blog on all things electronic & security related

Hello and welcome
The intent of this blog is to provide a forum for discussion of all aspects of security, electronics and computing which people may find interesting.
I will draw on my 20-plus years in the computer, electronics and security industries to try and add value to the discussions as they evolve.

Some of the topics which have come-to-mind for discussion here are things which I frequently field questions about in my line of work.
These may include:
  • Physical security of premises
  • Security of computer data from corruption, theft or malicious intrusion by virus or hacking
  • Video and perimeter security systems
  • Security of power supply during attempted robbery or storms

I don't want to limt the blog to purely security, so I'll probably throw in a smattering on electronics and computers in general as we go along.

I know there are lots of self-help type forums already on the web, but if you have specific questions relating to any of these or other related areas, post them here and we'll see what we can come up with to help each other out.

As a starter for this forum, I'll point you to one of my very early sites that I started MANY years ago as an information service to my then small base of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) customers. I've continued to maintain the site mainly because of the number of people from all over the world who have e-mailed me for information becasue of it. Please excuse the somewhat amature layout of the page but I just haven't made time to rebuild the entire site.

Till tomorrow night then - See ya

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